The key to increasing scalp blood circulation - Hair Follicle Neogenesis
The secret to hair growth

The key to increasing scalp blood circulation

There’s a powerful way to increase scalp blood circulation that very few people know about. It’s the key to keeping hair in the anagen (growth) phase and as a result, increasing hair density.

What most people don’t realize about hair growth is that every single hair in the scalp only grows if it’s connected to a blood vessel. This is actually the key to maintaining hair growth and preventing hair loss. Why?

Because when a hair transitions from the anagen (growth) phase to the telogen (shedding) phase, it disconnects from the blood vessel.

But, if you increase the growth factor VEGF in your scalp, the hair follicles stay connected to the blood vessels and they keep growing.

VEGF: The key to increasing scalp blood circulation

The absolute key is to maintain high scalp VEGF levels. VEGF, or vascular endothelial growth factor, is the growth factor responsible for growing blood vessels. By maintaining high scalp VEGF, the scalp maintains a greater number of blood vessels — and therefore the hair receives a stronger blood supply.

VEGF: The secret to thick, healthy hair

If you can keep your hair follicles connected to blood vessels at all times, they will shed far less frequently because the hairs will keep growing for much longer. Because a hair only grows if it’s connected to a blood vessel. So by constantly maintaining high scalp VEGF, you can give your hair a chance to grow for longer, which (as you’ll see in a minute) is vital for increasing hair density.

Decrease DHT. Decrease TGFs

You may have heard of the hormone DHT, which causes hair loss. DHT is an androgen hormone. One of the reasons it causes hair loss is because it increases the transforming growth factors (TGFs) in the scalp. TGFs cause hair follicles to transition from the growth phase to the shedding phase. So TGFs actually cause hair loss.

When hair follicles transition from anagen to telogen, VEGF decreases and TGFs increase. However, by maintaining high VEGF and preventing TGFs from over-expressing, you can keep hair growing for longer and prevent shedding. This also means you can increase hair density.

Increase hair density by up to four times

Most people don’t realize that each hair follicle can produce between 1 and 4 hairs. When the scalp has very low VEGF and high TGFs the hair follicles produce far less hairs. However by increasing VEGF and decreasing TGFs you can increase the number of hairs each follicle produces by up to four times.

In other words you could make your hair four times thicker.

Turbo charge blood circulation

In order to achieve a significant increase in hair growth I recommend using a Dermaroller on the scalp. This directly and immediately increases scalp blood circulation significantly. And the blood circulation remains increased for several days after using the Dermaroller.

But it does more than that

Using a Dermaroller in the scalp skin creates tiny wounds in the skin. This forces the skin to generate new tissue in order to heal the wound.

It’s actually possible to generate new hair follicles using this process. It’s called wound-induced hair follicle neogenesis. When a tiny wound is created in the scalp skin there’s a small window of opportunity in which the cells can be influenced to develop into a new hair follicle, rather than just growing new skin tissue. If you increase the correct growth factors in the wound site during this window of opportunity it’s possible to steer the cells toward developing a completely new hair in the wound.

The Hair Follicle Neogenesis Method

The Hair Follicle Neogenesis Method is the method I created, which uses these ideas, plus many more, to significantly increase scalp hair growth. Using a Dermaroller and a special combination of growth factors, my method is capable of generating thousands of new hair follicles, making the hair grow thicker each time the method is performed.

The more you repeat the process, the more new hair follicle you can generate.

Here’s a picture demonstrating what can be achieved in just a few months using this precise method:

Hair follicle neogenesis before and afters

Zoom into the image and you’ll see completely new hair follicles have been generated in an area of the scalp that was bald for twenty years.

Download the instructions

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The Hair Follicle Neogenesis Method

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  1. Hi hello,not received any instructions yet your plan and pictures look encouraging.! Is a dermoroller all one requires.?

    1. Hi Martin,

      Thanks for commenting. I’ve added you to the list. You should receive all the details in the next 24 hours. All you need is a Dermaroller and the growth factors that make hair grow. This is explained in the instructions and there is a link to the growth factors.

      All the best,

  2. Hi Ja,

    I’ve added you to the list. You should receive the instructions soon.

    All the best,

  3. Hi. I haven’t received an email yet. Could you please send me the instructions? Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Michelle,
      Thanks for commenting. I’ve added your email so you’ll receive the instructions soon.
      All the best,

  4. My son is 17 and receiving laser treatment as all his hair fell out 2years ago can he use this method of treatment in addition thanks

    1. Hi V Mcgillvary,
      Thanks for commenting. I personally don’t offer treatments to people under the age of 18, but will be happy to help when your son turns 18.
      All the best,

  5. I only just sent off for mine today but got all my other stuff in tablet form I hope that is going to work going to do the smoothers and the hair brushing. Am just getting confused when to use the roller. I hope this works. As my hair is thin all over

  6. Hi I’m wondering when you start,how often do you use the roller,in the instructions it says to use the roller once a forthnight for the first month and then once a week after that but then it says to use the roller 5 Times a day,so I’m wondering when do i use the roller 5 Times a week.

  7. Hi Chris,

    Would you be able to give some advice/consultation for treating gray hair?
    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Connie,
      Thanks for commenting. I’ve added you to my list to receive the details.
      All the best,

  8. You know how a baby has cradle cap? I’m pretty much 43 years old I have no fingernails so I cannot scratch my scalp when I wash my hair. How do I get years of cradle cap off of my scalp

  9. Wow this sounds amazing , my hair thinning is menopause. Can we get the roller from you.

    1. Hi Lu,
      Thanks for commenting. I’ve replied to your email and sent full details.
      All the best,

  10. Hi,

    I sent emails twice to this ID (, but haven’t received any reply yet.
    Kindly respond.



    1. Hi Max,
      Thanks for commenting. I’ve replied to your email and sent full details.
      All the best,

    1. Hi Kurt,
      Thanks for commenting. I’ve replied to your email and sent full details.
      All the best,

  11. Please send me any other information you may have regarding hair information and help for this terrible health condition.

  12. Do you know if your Dermaroller system would induce the growth of new follicles in bald patches resulting from radiation of brain tumors? So far, I haven’t found any system that actually works, but I keep looking for one. What are your thoughts on the matter?

  13. Chris, I have been trying to reach you for quite some time now. You have not replied to my last 6 or so e-mails, nor have you replied to my messages to you on WhatsApp. On your website, you state that you can be reached on WhatsApp. However, you have not replied to my last three messages on WhatsApp. Moreover, you have not replied to any of my last half-a-dozen e-mails. When I first reached out to you via e-mails, you were quite prompt in your replies, and you would reply within twenty hours. However, you have not replied to any of my last six or so e-mails. How am I supposed to proceed with further investing myself in your method and purchasing your products if you will not maintain communication with me? In order for me to proceed with your method, I require being able to establish communication with you. I have several questions about my particular hair loss situation that I would like to ask you and reach conclusions on. I have already invested in your method quite a bit, by reading every word on every webpage of your website, as well as reading your guide from start to finish. I have even taken hand-written notes on your guide and downloaded your audio files. So, I am interested in taking on your method. However, I still need to communicate with you, ask my questions, and see whether I can proceed with your method. So, kindly re-establish communication with me, both on WhatsApp as well as by replying to my e-mails.

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